
I just check the resistor strip from K2 SN 5428 which I am building for
another ham.

There are normally 95 resistors on the strip.  The first two resistors are
220 ohms, and there are 9 resistors from the strip that are to be used in
the Part I assembly.
Of the 86 resistors that should remain after Part I, the first three values
are 100k, 100k and 470 ohms.
88 resistors in the strip does not break exactly between Assembly Part I and
Part II, so you may want to check the sequence a bit further to be certain
you have the correct strip (if 10 values in sequence are correct, it is most
likely the correct strip but with a few missing on one end.

If you find your strip short (or incorrect) after an additional count, I am
certain an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will bring you the missing resistors.


> -----Original Message-----
> The K2 assembly of the Control Board and Front Panel Board went
> perfectly.
> But my luck has apparently run out after starting the RF Board
> Assembly  Part
> 1.
> I finished installing the latching relays but I am unable to find the
> resistors
> required for Part 1.     The resistor tape starts with  the
> values listed in
> Part 2.     So I have the large resistor tape  with 88 resistors on it.
> Are the resistors for Part 1 Assembly ----   on their own  tape?
> Or are they supposed to be loose in one of the parts  bags?
> Somewhere along the line I appear to have come up short the  9 resistors
> needed for Part 1.
> Everything else in the inventory appears to be ok.
> Frank W7IS

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