Get rid of any commercial virus program that charges you money and use either AVAST or AVG.
I used both for years with excellent results.
I had only problems with NAV.

If interested just type AVAST antivirus or AVG antivirus in Google and you'll find the sites.

Robert VE3RPF

Fred Jensen wrote:
This is really OT but I do have a K2/100 and a KX1, and I'm getting desperate.

Does anyone here know how to get to a real person or real email address at Symantec? I renewed my NAV license on my laptop (against the voice in my head telling me "No"), and now I'm told I need to buy it again. I can fix it with Mastercard in the end, I hope, but I'd really like solve it with the vendor if I can, and they'll let me. They're not making it easy. Off-line replies PLEASE, this is not Elecraft stuff.

Sorry for the OT,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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