K4 beta software release 19 is now available. Release notes are provided below. 
They can also be viewed at the K4 itself from within the update app.

This release has significant improvements and is recommended for all K4 owners. 

To install the beta software, make sure you have an ethernet connection, then:

1. Tap Fn, then hold UPDATE

2. Use the pulldown menu at the top of the screen to select Beta Release (if 
you didn't have this selected already).

3. Tap Check for Updates. This downloads the new code but does not do the 
installation. This gives you an opportunity to optionally tap "Release Notes" 
and read the notes first.

4. When you're ready to do the installation, tap "Install".

NOTE: If the status area shows error messages of any kind, try doing the 
install a second time. You may have had an older version of the update app 
itself, in which case a second install should complete the process.


* * *


==== RELEASE 19 ====




DATA MONITOR LEVEL BUG FIX:  Previously, the lowest active level (1) was too 
loud. Also increased max value.

K-POD SWITCH MACRO PROGRAMMING:  In the K4's built-in macro editor, K-Pod 
switches now listed as 1 tap, 1 hold, 2 tap, 2 hold, etc. 

DYNAMIC RANGE ICON:  When MENU:RX Dyn. Range Optimization is set to ON, a new 
icon appears to the right of the RIT/XIT box. The icon is a hybrid of the 
capital letters 'D' and 'R'.

MORE PROMINENT ADC OVERFLOW INDICATION:  In an extreme strong-signal situation, 
it is possible to reach the highest voltage allowed by the A-to-D converter. In 
this case the S-meter's "+60" label will change to "OVF" until the condition is 
resolved. (Previously, the "+" sign in the label simply changed color.) In most 
cases you won't hear any change in the receive audio when this occurs, 
especially if it occurs rarely. But if it happens frequently, you may wish to 
reduce the front-end gain of the affected receiver(s). The K4 can automatically 
reduce gain incrementally in this situation; set MENU:RX Auto Attenuation to ON.

reference, the K4's VFOs should now be within +/- 1 Hz across the full tuning 
range. Previously the reading was slightly high, as much as +5 Hz at 50 MHz 
(0.1 ppm).

AGC PULSE REJECT IMPROVEMENTS:  Previously, with MENU:AGC Noise Pulse Reject 
set to ON, AGC was being modulated by noise and signals under some band 
conditions. Now, the pulse reject threshold moves upward in response to strong 
signals to prevent this from occurring. Note: In the presence of very strong 
continuous noise, turn on the noise blanker. It is highly effective in this 
case even at very low settings.

AGC DECAY RANGE EXPANDED:  For example, MENU:AGC Decay, Slow can now be set as 
low as 5 (very slow). 

TRANSVERTER BANDS:  Frequency memories and direct frequency entry now support 
transverter bands (up to 99 GHz).

SOFTWARE UPDATE:  Software update function now handles missing internet 
connection correctly. Save/Restore function handles K-Pod macros. Button 
debounce improved.

==== RELEASE 18 ====


NEW STATUS DISPLAY -- TIME/TX:  There's a new option for the status area 
display: time (Z) and TX parameters (power and SWR). To select this option, tap 
the status area (above the "?" Button), then tap TIME/TX.

TRANSVERTER BANDS:  The K4 now has 12 user-programmable bands for use with 
external transverters. Transverter bands must be set up prior to use using the 
XVTR menu entries. The first XVTR menu entry specifies which of the 12 bands is 
being set up. Once setup is complete, you can tap BAND > XVTR > XVTRn to switch 
VFO A to a desired transverter band. Tap BAND > HF to go back to the last HF-6 
m band. VFO B can be directly set to a transverter band by tapping BSET, then 
the BAND button. 

DUAL TRANSVERTER BAND RECEIVE:  You can receive on two external transverters 
simultaneously with a K4D. Set up one to use RX ANT 1 and the other to use XVTR 

RX DYNAMIC RANGE OPTIMIZATION:  By default, new menu entry "RX Dyn. Range 
Optimization" is turned on. This configures the A-to-D converter for best 
dynamic range. Turning this off may slightly improve sensitivity. At present 
the setting applies to all bands; in a future release it may be settable 

transmit, the associated panadapter cursors will update, even though the 
spectrum and waterfall remain frozen.

BUILT-IN KEYBOARD UPDATED:  All extended punctuation keys are now grouped to 
the right side of the keyboard. A new key has been added for tilde (~) and 
single quote (').

FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS:  (1) SPLIT is now exited on receipt of and FR0 or FR1 
command. (2) Added support for #ARM; #ARA; #AR/;. (3) Added transverter 
selection and setup commands: XV, XVM, XVR, XVI, XVO, XVP commands.

==== RELEASE 17 ====


DATA-MODE BANDWIDTH RESTORED:  Data mode bandwidth is now correctly 
saved/restored across power cycles.

RELEASE NOTES LISTING:  When viewing release notes in the software update 
screen, they now start at the beginning of the listing rather than at the end.

RECEIVE IMPROVEMENT:  DSP code has been updated to suppress a 12 kHz offset 
spur that could be observed above the noise floor with an extremely strong 
signal (S9+40 or so).

FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS:  Add support for TD/; VT/; (fine toggle) and VT\; 
(coarse toggle). Added K3 legacy switch translation for SWH49;SWT49;

==== RELEASE 16 ====


TX DELAY SETTINGS:  There is now only one TX DLY menu entry: TX DLY, Key Out to 
RF Out. The delay range is 5 to 25 ms; default is 8 ms. NOTE: Use the smallest 
value needed for external amp switching. 5 ms recommended for fast CW QSK speed 
(this compatible with Elecraft amplifiers).

RECEIVE BANDWIDTH:  Accuracy of FILTER BW control settings improved.

SSB AND ESSB TX BANDWIDTH:  Completed TX SSB/ESSB bandwidth controls. Tap TX > 
ESSB ON|OFF to turn ESSB on or off. The button to the left sets the SSB or TX 
bandwidth independently. When ESSB is in effect, a "+" sign is added to the LSB 
or USB mode indicator. Also, speech compression is turned off. NOTE: In regular 
SSB modes, when speech compression (XMTR > CMP) is set to any value other than 
0, the transmit bandwidth is reduced slightly to emphasize mid-range speech 
components. In a future release this behavior will be adjustable. 

==== RELEASE 15 ====



MACRO EDITOR:  Added initial support for macro command string creation and 
editing. Tap Fn, then hold MACRO. Macros can be assigned to PF1-PF4, F1-F8, REM 
ANT switch, and all 16 K-Pod switches. Refer to K4 Programmer's Reference for 
command details. Full details on the macro editor will be available in the 
operating manual on next update.

FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS:  Added support for "ping" over Ethernet. Added 
commands NA/; SP/; BS/; TX/; FX/; DV/; DV\;. Added translations for legacy K3 
switch emulation commands: SWH11; SWH14; SWT14; SWT16; SWH29; SWT29; SWH32; 
SWT32; SWT33; SWT34; SWT42; SWT43; SWH50; SWT53; SWH58;. Fixed K-Pod RIT 
control and screen capture issues. 

SSB AND ESSB BANDWIDTH:  The TX bandwidth can now be set for both SSB and ESSB 
(Extended SSB). Tap TX > SSB BW to set bandwidth. Tap ESSB to turn ESSB mode 

PANADAPTER CURSORS:  The cursors in the panadapter spectrum display now extend 
into the waterfall during VFO movement.

SOFTWARE UPDATER UI IMPROVEMENTS:  Improved feedback on switches and during 
software update operations.

==== RELEASE 14 ====


USB FLASH DRIVE UN-MOUNTS AUTOMATICALLY:  When a USB flash drive is used for 
screen captures, etc., it will be mounted/unmounted only when needed by the 
associated function. This allows the drive to be removed without an explicit 
unmount or eject action on the part of the user. It also prevents errors when 
the USB drive is subsequently plugged into a Windows computer. 

PANADAPTER CURSORS IN WATERFALL:  Panadapter cursors in the waterfall area have 
been restored. These appear only when the VFO is moved. 

TX PARAMETER FLASH CORRECTED:  Previously, TX parameters were being flashed in 
the status area even when TX PARAM was not selected. 

SUPPLY VOLTAGE READING FIXED:  The voltage shown in the status area (when TX 
PARAM is selected for status) now more accurately reflects the supply voltage 
at the APP connector.

PA CURRENT READING ADJUSTED:  Measured KPA4 current now accounts for copper 
trace length at the ends of KPAIO4-R3, the .005 ohm PA current-sense resistor. 
This improves accuracy of the total radio current shown in the status area 
(when TX PARAM is selected), as well as separate PA current reading in the "All 
Param" window. 

FSK DTR SOURCE SELECTION:  The DPU PCB hardware revision is now taken into 
account when setting up the enable lines for FSK keying via DTR lines. This 
will affect how external software is set up; see operating manual.

ADC OVERFLOW INDICATION:  The "+" symbol in "+60" on the S-meter turns magenta 
if the associated receiver's ADC hits overflow level. In previous releases this 
was happening on some transitions from RX to TX. With this corrected, uers can 
now set MENU:RX Auto Attenuation to ON if desired.

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