Updated previous list and added other items, making room in the new shack.

For sale now:

DEMI 902/3 Xvtr, 10W 144 IF.  $275.
DEMI 1296 Xvtr, 3W, 144 IF. $275.
All Xvtrs above are modified to use a DigiLo PLL via a SMA but can be easily 
flipped back to the crystal if desired.  

Elecraft K3/0-Mini-F remote control head.  $700.

Adding These:
Tektronix 475A  Oscope - $200 

Make offer on these! - The heavy items I am not likely to ship.
TS-930S  HF rig, 100W
TS-700A  All mode 2M rig, 10W
2.5KW water cooled Bird dummy load
50uA Bird wattmeter in steel case (regular Bird 43 is 30uA and smaller meter 
face).  Maybe works with dummy load
60Mhz network analyzer, connects to PC
Sola Basic RF wattmeter - White metal case, clone of a Bird 43, uses same slugs.
Tektronix 1401 Spectrum analyzer Module.  12V operation, uses an oscope for 

K7MDL  CN88sf

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