While this article is for the K4, the exact same should be done for the K3 to stop accidental keying during boot up of the OS.

I suggest that you do this for ALL of your USB ports and while you're there, also defeat (turn off, uncheck) power savings mode (once turned off, it won't restart until the next reboot, negating it's value to less than zero), again on ALL of your USB devices (hubs, ports etc).

Rick nk7i

Use Windows Device Manager (run devmgmt.msc) to change the Advanced properties of both of the K4 FTDI virtual serial ports: Uncheck Serial Enumeration Check Disable Modem Control At Startup Details and rationale here, with screenshots: https://bit.ly/FTDItip

On 12/5/2022 10:53 AM, Dave New, N8SBE wrote:

Likely the 'clicking' you are hearing is the PC initializing the USB ports on boot up. If you watch closely, you will see the K3 PTT/XMIT come on a few times during the computer boot up.

It's harmless, but annoying, although if I recall correctly, on CW it actually ends up sending a carrier.

There was a firmware update for the K3/K3S that makes it ignore those computer PTT by leaving the VOX turned off on CW until you transmit something (not from the computer). This happens if you power cycle
the K3 before turning on the computer.

Of course, you could just turn off the K3 and leave it off until the computer finishes booting.

I don't have an explanation as to why moving the USB cable to the front ports seemingly has stopped the issue.  Perhaps you just didn't happen to trigger the issue (see above)?

Hope that helps,

-- Dave, N8SBE

On 2022-12-04 16:24, Ed Cole wrote:
Nice to hear about.

I contacted sales@elecraft regarding getting on the KI03B list (more
than a year ago) and was told, at that time I would be added.

I have the KI03A (original with my K3) which Elecraft repaired about
two years ago and has worked well, so far.  I decided I should have a
backup so ordered the B board (A NLA).

But not being one of the original list, but an add-on, I wonder if
inventory will be sufficient to fill my order?

I encountered a strange phenomena, as the K3 would constantly click
whenever the computer I/F cable (from Elecraft) was connected and
computer turned on.  I have 4 USB ports on rear of computer and 2 on
front.  Moving to a front USB connector ceased the clicking. BTW the
clicking appears not to affect the K3 operation (port uses Com5).

I use my K3 on FT8 and for eme (JT65 or Q65), so very important the
computer I/F works correctly. B version uses direct USB/USB interface
so might not be an issue.

73, Ed - KL7UW
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