Thanks for the clarification on the warranty comment, Eric.

Larry N8LP

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ Elecraft wrote:
There has been a lot of discussion and confusion on the Elecraft list regarding the European RoHS (Reduction of Hazardous Substances) regulations, if hobbyist builders were allowed to use regular lead based solder and if they were regulated at all by these rules. I'd like to clarify these points and set your minds at ease. :-)

The RoHS regs clearly state that they -only- apply to commercial 'producers' of electronic products. They do not regulate individual 'non-commercial use' buyers. The regulations and their enforcement only apply to 'producers' who have a physical presence (Office) in Europe.

From the Official RoHS regulations:

‘Producer’ means any person who:

(i) manufactures and sells electrical and electronic equipment
under his own brand,

(ii) resells under his own brand equipment produced by
other suppliers, a reseller not being regarded as the
‘producer’ if the brand of the producer appears on the
equipment, as provided for in subpoint (i), or

(iii) imports or exports electrical and electronic equipment
on a professional basis into a Member State.

Since our customers are neither manufacturing nor importing our products on a 'professional basis' they are exempt from the regulations. There is no regulation of individuals building for their own use. This is where the hobbyist exemption comes from. They are free both to import parts, solder and products of any type for personal use and they certainly can continue to use regular lead based solder for construction.

A large number of commercial producers in Eu and the U.S. agree that the RoHS regulations exclude those purchasing products and parts for "own use built equipment (hobbyist)".

From the Kontron Eu RoHS compliance web page: (They are a large Eu company.)

Also there are some exceptions to the RoHS Directive:

* military systems
* avionics systems
* equipment for national security
* own use built equipment (hobbyist)
* spares for products on the market before July 1st, 2006


Other companies with identical statements:

Clearly our customers are not at risk for RoHS enforcement as a 'producer' and thus they can import kits and build for their own use using lead based solder. Also supporting this is the continued availability of regular led based solder in Eu from local distributors.

Here are some direct links to lead based solder distributors who ship to Europe and the U.S. You can order directly from these suppliers on-line. - U.K. Company - U.S. and Eu - U.S. and Eu

Important Note - Lead-Free Solder is also OK to use:
I'd also like to correct an incorrect statement I made in an earlier email regarding use of lead free solders to build our kits:

It does -not- void the Elecraft warranty to use lead-free solder to build a kit. (I was incorrectly confusing this with the use of water soluble flux solders, which we do prohibit.)

We -do- ask that you have prior experience using lead-free solder for construction before using it on our kits. It does require much more care, higher soldering temperatures and much more expertise than lead free solder. To be honest I see no reason to stop using regular lead based solder. It is a superior product and much easier to use and remove. But if you can't find lead based solder, lead-free solder will work too, just please be careful in its use.

So please feel comfortable to continue to import and build our kits and to build with regular lead based solder, or if you have sufficient experience with it, lead-free solder. :-)

73, Eric WA6HHQ


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