Beautiful job! I'd be very surprised if there were any RFI issues, at least
a far as radiating RF, and probably not in terms of picking up unwanted RF.
The toroids are self-shielding and the PCB construction keeps everything
close and the "leads" (PCB traces) carrying RF short. 


-----Original Message-----
Hello all,
    I wanted to show off my K2 at the recent Melbourne hamfest.  But, I
didn't want a lot of people poking around inside my radio.  So I decided to
make some transparent plastic cover panels for the radio.  It took about 10
hours to make everything fit.  Anyone that is good with plastics could do it
much faster but I was learning.
    I think it turned out really good.  I got a lot of comments about it at
the hamfest.  If you want to show off your workmanship you might give it a
try.  I haven't tried operating the rig with the plastic covers on but I am
sure it would be shooting RF out everywhere.
   The links below will take you to some photos of the radio.

Doug  W4DAS
K2 #5000

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