
You speak of mods to the sidetone which indicate to me that you have an
older K2.  If so, have you changed the sidetone source to U8 pin 4 (required
when adding the KIO2 or KPA100)? And have you installed the shielded
inductor that is included with the K2 A to B kit?

There were some early changes to the sidetone to attempt to obtain a better
sinewave.  If you have these older mods rather than the circuits installed
after SN 3000, then your sidetone may sound quite different than the
sidetone that is produced by the more recent K2s.  The firmware may also
make some slight difference.  You may want to listen to the sidetone on a
recent K2 before making a judgement about that 2nd K2.  Your ears may be
more critical than others, so try to judge for yourself.


> -----Original Message-----
> This may seem odd, but the main reason I have not yet sold my
> FT-1000MP in
> favor of a second K2 is the CW monitoring.  The CW side-tone in
> the K2 began
> with a terrible sound.  Various mods improved the sine wave
> attritubes, but
> it remains relatively poor, harsh at the make and break, and in between I
> don't know how to say.  In comparison, the MP side-tone has a
> soft rise and
> fall, while the tone in between is rich in overtones, very pleasant to
> monitor.
> Why is the K2 side-tone so lacking?  Could a better one be a mod?
> 72,  Fred - kt5x / w5ya

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