Hi all:

This afternoon I received the KPA100UPKT package in the mail to upgrade
my KPA100 to the latest version, Rev D. MY KPA100 is a fairly recent one
so some of the upgrade steps did not apply. Keep in mind that this
Upgrade package includes all changes since the KPA100 was introduced. 

First... There are a couple of typos that have not yet been picked up in
the errata sheet. (Elecraft has been notified of these typos.) The Parts
List indicates that R4 and R33 are 1/2 watt resistors, the text calls
them 1/4 watt resistors, and that is what was provided. On page 6 of the
instructions, the 4th step states "Remove capacitor C16..." That should
read "Remove capacitor C64..."

The upgrade went quickly, but I really have become spoiled by having the
Hakko 808 desoldering tool. Removal of components was painless and left
clean through holes. 

I don't have any quantitative data on performance changes, but it seems
more stable than before when using the KAT100 tuner. Also, the output on
the higher bands (12 and 10 meters) in improved. I can now get 110-120
watts output with R26 properly adjusted. Before I could only get ~100
watts out.

Ken Wagner K3IU
Portsmouth, RI
K2/100 #5413 (my 10th)

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