On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 22:16:50 -0600, Cathy James wrote:

>What can I do to increase the audio output level of the K2 for sound
>card purposes?

 Others have made some suggestions but I'll add mine as responses
 to their postings:

 On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 07:41:57 -0500, Don Wilhelm wrote:

>You may want to look at something like the K2 Fixed Audio Output
>that I have on my website http://w3fpr.qrpradio.com . I have a
>few boards left, but no kits.

  I can second that suggestion...I have installed it in my K2/100
  and after my local builder ("I may look great but I don't see
  well") worked out a problem of a less-than-perfect wire-to-connector
  joint, I am super-pleased with it.

>Running PSK31 with AGC off is often a better way to operate.

  I've asked this before - how does one turn the AGC off in a

On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 07:49:19 -0800 (PST), Bernard Gaffney wrote:

>One other thing, if you're using your PC's
>on-mainboard built in soundcard, consider using a
>dedicated soundcard. Even a low end Creative soundcard
>is infinitely better than the built-in card. And of
>course, go to the manufacturer's web page and download
>and install the latest driver updates.

  We find things out the hard way -- Windows XP will not
  recognize a separate soundcard unless the mainboard sound
  system is disabled.  This was not acceptable for my

  The way I worked around that is to use an iMic adapter that
  plugs into a USB port.  XP will then recognize that as a
  separate sound system and permit both to operate simultaneously.
  The iMic is readily available at places which casrry portable audio

On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:09:44 +0000, Julian, G4ILO wrote:

>You can take the audio output from the external speaker socket at the back
>of the rig.

  Prior to using Don Wilhelm's Fixed Audio Output option, that's
  what I did.

  I used a readily-available Y-splitter to pipe output to the
  iMic (USB "soundcard") and to an outboard computer "multimedia"
  speaker which had a volume control. That way I could use the
  K2 for both digital (silent) and regular hamming, and not have
  to adjust the K2's audio/RF gain controls back and forth.

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   Elecraft K2/100   s/n 5402

   From a Clearing in the Silicon Forest
   Beaverton (Washington County)  Oregon

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