In a message dated 12/1/06 7:23:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Consistantly over the past 40 years I reaffirm on a daily basis that, at 
> least on 40M,  as the sun lowers in the west I can hear European stations 
> about 45 minutes to an hour before they can hear me.
> I have no explanation for it but suspect that the signal level is the same 
> on both ends but the background noise from the daylight side masks the 
> signal as it appears in Europe.

Well, the *theory* makes sense, but not this particular *application*.

If you're in NY, and they're in EU, when it's late afternoon/early evening at 
your QTH, it's already late at night where they are. They've been in full 
darkness for hours when you see the sun going down in the west. 

If daylight noise is a factor, shouldn't you be having more of it than hams 
in EU at that time? 


Of course "noise" takes all forms. Perhaps the noise is manmade electrical 
noise that disappears/decreases late at night in Europe. Or maybe it's QRM from 
highpowered SWBC stations there, who QSY or change antenna patterns after a 
certain hour. 

73 de Jim, N2EY
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