I am pleased to report that K2 s/n 5853 is in the transmitter alignment phase, 
and all is going well.  Work was interrupted for a few days because we lost 
power in Thursday's ice storm here in STL.  The house was down to 50 deg. F, 
when power was finally restored.   

Christine at Elecraft does a superb job at stuffing those parts bags.  At one 
point, I relied on her work to provide me with a parity check of sorts on my 
capacitor installation.  I got suspicious when I had a "561" cap left over but 
was missing a "560" cap.  I reviewed all the other spots that were supposed to 
receive  a"560," and sure enough I found I had made an error.  I was able to 
remove the misplaced cap and save it too.  

The receiver sounds great, and compares favorably with my Ten Tec Omni 6 loaded 
with INRAD filters. 

When doing the BFO calibration, I followed the recommended settings, which I 
understand are based on a 600 Hz pitch.  I like to use narrow filters at a 400 
Hz pitch.  I'd like to set up for the following filter sequence: 600, 400, 300, 
150 Hz bandwidths.  

Is there a formula I can use to calculate the BFO frequencies I need for CW 
normal and reverse to get the pitch and bandwidths I want?  Have others 
produced their own charts or lists of customized BFO settings ?  I apologize if 
I've missed something in the manual or in the list archives.

Chuck  NI0C

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