Great thread!
  Before I make my point I would like to point out that I work almost always 
qrp using my KX1.
  One of my Christmas presents this year was a NOSS CW Tuning Indicator (SMD).  
I built and installed it today and it works fine!
  FWIW. I occasionaly tune into a 17 meter SSB WAS net using 100 watts into a 
rotatable trapped dipole. Before I got my linear I could hardly make any 
contacts, most of the stations checking in were on the east coast!  After I got 
my linear I not only could make contact with ANYONE who checked in but was 
asked to act as a relay station for stations having trouble!  Power helps! More 
power helps more!
  I still use only qrp for rc and day to day radio fun but when I spot DX I 
need I crank up the linear (after checking propagation) and give it a shot.  
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