HI Tom, Don...
As you know I inflicted critical damage to K2 #06008. I will not relive
this event for you. This was my second attempt at putting together
the K2 since December.. (By the way I think the K2 is a very fine radio, 
and I truely envy those who have one). At this point if I were to purchase
a third K2 I believe I would be placing my mental/emotional health at risk,
and even perhaps entering tnto Al Gore territory. A new direction and/or
perspective is needed here. I was looking at your other products on the site,
and am curious about the other rigs...K1 etc..Question: What is the 
level of difficulty in contructing the K1 compared to the K2? Also
was curious about the KX1. As a future project I may endevour to
make another attempt on the K2. Until the time comes when I have
acquired a better perspective, and have more finely honed skills, I shall 
from another attempt at the K2. Lastly, all fault remains with me. Tom, Don
and others gave me timely advise and encouragement. Amateur Radio
is after all a hobby.  Dennis Vavra,  AD5LY
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