Hi All..

Just introducing myself. I'll probably be around for awhile as I will
soon be ordering a K2. I built dozens of Heathkits back in the day and
I've built quite a few homebrew audio amps and guitar amps (mostly
vintage Fender and Marshall circuits). I have a fondness for tube gear
and I'm currently using vintage Heath ham gear (SB-301 rx, SB-401 tx
and SB-201 amp). The only modern rigs I've ever owned are the Yaesu
FT-100, FT-897 and FT-900. I wasn't overly impressed with any of them,
and I always seem to drift back to vintage tube gear. I recently
started reading up on QRP and I'm ready to try my hand at using low
power for a change. I've never done that. After much research for the
ideal QRP rig, it seems the K2 is the way to go. I figure any product
that can score 4.9/5.0 on eHam with 118 reviews must stand on merit
rather than hype. Plus, after following this reflector for a few weeks,
I can see that a very valuable user knowledge base exists. It's a
no-brainer. I'm really looking forward to building this rig and hearing
that remarkable receiver that everyone seems to be talking about. It
sure will be nice to work QSK CW without hearing those relays chatter.
I trust it will work well with my Hustler 6BTV vertical.

I've made an agreement with the XYL that I will not put any new money
into my toys, so I must recycle. I have a Neumann studio mic on ebay
that should more than cover the cost of the K2. :->


David Fleming W4SMT 

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