Fred (FL) wrote:
Without spilling the beans, or showing one's hand -
could Elecraft give us a better view of how new
products may happen in the future?  Does Elecraft
have a goal of other transceivers, updated transceiver
products?  Could (could) there be new near-term
HF product kits in the future.  Or is the K2, it?
Could there be a K3 kit, sometime in the near future?

What, and then have to patiently endure the unending masses of emails about it being all empty boxes,
and how it really should have been done this way or that?

If I were them,
I would never announce anything ever again,
until it was ready to go up for sale!

Thank goodness they are much better mannered than I am. ;-)
GB & 73's
Sam Morgan
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