Fellow Elecrafters:

The discussion of verticals has inspired me to do a bit of EZNEC modeling. I plotted the azimuthal pattern at an 8 degree takeoff angle for several different 80 meter configurations. In all 3 cases, I've assumed average ground.

The first case is the classical full size vertical, with a quarter wave monopole element and 128 quarter wave radials. I've assumed aluminum conductors on the theory that if I were really going to lay nearly 2 miles of wire on the ground, I'd use aluminum electric fence wire and not copper. Also, the monopole element would almost certainly be made from aluminum tubing; my EZNEC program does not support mixed conductor types. Hardly anyone would actually build such a costly configuration, but the performance does give a standard for comparison. Anyway, the pattern is an omni pattern with a signal strength at 8 degrees takeoff angle of -2.72 dBi.

The second case is the Force 12 vertical dipole, with no radials. (I do not have the actual engineering data for the Force 12, but it is easy to approximate from the promotional materials.The Force 12 people do not recommend using radials, and for good reason. Cebik did a study that showed that radials under a vertical dipole do virtually no good whatsoever. The ground losses that affect its performance are hundreds if not thousands of feet from the antenna. That is why the spectacular results reported in the Force 12 promotional material are from operations right on the seashore.) I've assumed aluminum conductors. There is a very small note in the very fine print of the Force 12 promotional material that their patterns were run with the bottom of the antenna elevated 28 feet above the ground. I used that assumption in my simulation. (The trick with vertical dipoles is getting the current loop as high as possible above ground.) The signal at 8 degrees takeoff angle is an omni pattern at -3.09 dBi. In other words, the Force 12 with its low end 28 feet above ground is an undetectable quarter dB worse than the ideal full size quarter wave configuration. The Force 12 appears to be just as good as the promotional material claims.

How important is the mounting height? It matters. For the same configuration except with the bottom 1 foot above the ground, the signal strength at 8 degrees takeoff angle is -5.8 dBi. This is a quite noticeable >3db degradation from the full featured quarter wave configuration.

The other configuration is an inverted L. This is a bit of a clunky design, but it is feasible tom build on my lot. It is a W3DZZ dipole, with one element vertical and one horizontal, and the feedline coming off normal to the plane of the L. The height of the feedpoint is 50 feet. The elements of a W3DZZ are longer than 50 feet, thus I've kinked out the part of the bottom element at a 45 degree angle (in the plane perpendicular to the horizontal element) so that the end barely clears the ground. (Yes, I know, if you have kids or dogs, put a fence around it.) I assume copper conductors, average ground, and take trap losses into account. Anyway, on 80 m at 8 degrees you get a near omni pattern that is -0.85 dBi in the strongest direction and -1.79 dBi in the weakest direction. Anyway, this is a cheap antenna (provided you happen to have 50 foot high trees at just the right spots) that outperforms both the full size vertical and the Force 12. Into the bargain, you get a near omni pattern on 40 meters that at 8 degrees takeoff angle is -1.2 dBi at its strongest direction and -3.15 dBi at its weakest direction. But wait, there's more; you get low SWR at both 80 and 40 with no need for a sophisticated matching scheme.

The trick as always is that what really matters is getting the current loop as high above ground as possible, and configuring the elements such that the currents in them do not cancel each other out.

As for slightly elevated ground planes with resonant radials, they work surprisingly well, but not as well as the three configurations above. However, that is another story for another day.


Steve Kercel

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