Good Evening,
Once again Oregon is living up to its soggy history of weather. Last weekend it was raining, then we had three days of snow with a slight respite in the middle, and then yesterday it started to rain again. The 15 inches of snow we had yesterday morning is now a six inch layer of slush. In a few days the temperature will be in the 50s. However, I think it will not slack off precipitating upon us any time soon. Sounds like good weather to launch an antenna :) Now to get all the bits and pieces soldered together into one semi-resonant chunk. I had fun this week with software and circuits since I was stuck inside. No soldering but I did breadboard a few of my ideas. Seems like they work fairly well. Now to move them to a PC board. I've received a lot of input on who to use for prototyping and who to use for production. I am quite a long way from any production work so I will stay in the incremental learning stage for now. I tried a number of times to make contact into Oklahoma only to be stymied by the steady solar stream impinging upon the ionosphere. Voice nets on SSB are impossible while CW is just plain difficult. We made a go of it a few times but it was best to repeat a few times to allow for the fast, fluttering QSB. Hopefully the stream is now aimed off planet somewhere so the F and D layers can settle down. Tomorrow all these wishes will be tested by reality. But, if we don't try we'll never know the answer. I need to get some QSL cards printed. My back log of unanswered cards is building. Ms. P used to print them for me. Now I'll need to dig out her computer files and buy cartridges for the printer. Seems like I am running out of office supplies which she was so good at keeping in stock. Paper, cartridges, updating OS files, firmware, virus software updates, I had better make a list and a schedule so I don't forget when to buy supplies when I drive into town. I am starting to see the back of the freezer too ;)


1) Call by geographic area (East, Mid, All)
2) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
3) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP <relay> help)

   Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3 PM PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 6 PM PST)  7045 kHz

    Kevin.  KD5ONS
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