On March 4, 2007 12:25 pm, Darrell Bellerive wrote:
> I suspect that U2 is playing a role in the
> different minimum gain voltages seen here as compared to the directly
> applied voltage on the MC1350 via R4.

Just figured out why the voltages were so different. I was measuring at pin 5 
of U2 rather than pin 1. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Well, that seems to be the 
only way I really learn. Make a mistake and correct it. And just when I was 
beginning to think I was understanding this AGC thing. :-)

I'm off to work now, but, will remeasure the voltages and post the results as 
soon as I can.

Darrell  VA7TO  K2 #5093

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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