
As you can see from other posts, opinions about the DSP module vary. I have it and am very happy with it. I find the DSP narrow-band filtering to be superior to an outboard QF-1 analog filter, and very effective in enhancing the K2's crystal IF filtering. Set to the "most aggressive" position, the DSP denoiser distorts the signal quite noticeably, but more importantly, it enables me to copy signals that I could not copy otherwise. (The distortion is not much of a problem on CW, but I do not know how much it disrupts voice signals.)

There is one claim that I thought was an exaggeration, until I heard for myself. With the denoiser on and set very aggressive, the audio output in the absence of a signal is so quiet that you'll think that the radio is off. This in no exaggeration. On a quiet band with the denoiser on, I find myself occasionally toggling it off just to verify that the radio is working OK.

I most highly recommend the DSP module.

On the other hand, I have never found the noise blanker to be effective against the kind of noise present in my setting. Again, the experience of different users varies according to their circumstances.


Steve Kercel

At 10:24 AM 3/29/2007, Chris Kantarjiev wrote:
Does this combination make sense? I operate 100% CW. These days, I seem
to be chasing a lot of very weak signals with questionable readability.
My vertical isn't the quietest of antennas (they never are) and my
neighborhood has a fair amount of QRM on 40m during "real people hours".

For example, this morning I was trying to get KH2/JR4GPA. Copying his
sign was very tough, but I finally got it and confirmed it. I called
a couple of times but realized that I wouldn't recognize my call even
if he returned it! Just on the egde of ESP.

So ... would AF or DSP help me in this situation? The noise blanker
doesn't seem to do much good for the noise sources my neighbors provide.


73 de chris K6DBG
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