On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 01:48 -0700, wayne burdick wrote:
> > 3) If one installs the KBPF3, what impact does this have on the ham 
> > band front filters?
> None whatsoever. The KBPF3's filters are switched in only when needed, 
> and added strays are completely negligible. The KBPF3 mounts just above 
> the main band-pass filter array.

Do the KBPF3's count as one of the five roofing filters?

If the KRX3 is present and multiple transverters are connected to the
K3, will it be possible to transmit with one transverter while receiving
with another transverter? For example, would it be possible to transmit
on 2m while receiving on 70cm? I'm wondering about satellite operation.

> Most engineering staff members were redirected to the K3 project, which 
> actually started before the amp, and which we decided should be 
> finished first. But we'll go back to the amp as time permits. Sorry, 
> can't give you a date....

This is a much nicer surprise than an amp, in my opinion! It looks like
everything I wanted in a K3, and a lot more. :-)

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