On 8 Jun 2007 at 4:04, G4ILO
> But who cares about S meters? I run QRP. Nearly every report I get is
> 599. Most of the people I work are not running QRP so I'm not about to
> offend them by giving a lower report than I got. Besides, while he's
> sending his first over I'm entering his details into the log and never
> even think to look at the meter before it's my turn to reply.

Being also a QRP operator, I usually get 599 reports except in casual 
QSOs and some QRP contests. I also strongly object to the practice of 
some operators who claim to be running 5W adding /QRP to their 
callsign - it is actually not legal under the UK licence. It has no 
advantage and only serves to slow down the QSO rate.

I never add /QRP to my call and don't put it in my log or on QSL 
cards. I always get 599 reports in the pileups. Those who send /QRP 
always get 459 reports or similar.............

As for S meters, I normally do it by ear, though occasionally tell a 
chap he is a genuine s9 when the meter shows that. I am always 
sceptical by those who say 'you are 59+60dB on the meter'. Do they 
not realise what an enormous signal that actually is???

73 Dave G3YMC


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