How well does the K2 work in RTTY mode?  I presume it is AFSK only?  I
seem to recall that some do not recommend the K2 for serious RTTY
operating but I don't remember the reasoning behind this.  I vaguely
recall reading this about 2 years ago from somewhere.

I'm a RTTY operator first then SSB.  I've never been good with CW and
probably never will so I focus on these two modes.  I know it's a poor
attitude but let's just not go there, at least I am honest about it.
Most of my RTTY operation is centered around contest weekends simply
because I can only operate portable due to antenna limitations at the
home QTH.  However, I am not a hardcore contester.  I merely operate
during the contests to maximize QSO numbers although getting a good
score never hurts.

Around August, I'm finally going to be able to upgrade to something in
the K2 price range.  Will the K2 be acceptable for the way I operate
RTTY or should I hold out for a K3?  I know the K3 will be a much
better data rig.  I can't really afford a K3 but I could probably make
it happen.

Thanks guys.

- JT
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