On 8/26/07, K8TB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Speaking of antenna tuners.... Is there any possiblity that the new
> K3 antenna tuner can be put in a seperate box and be remotely
> controlled?

If it is anything like the KAT2 then I think that the tight
integration with the transceiver would make it difficult to achieve.

I agree with you that the best place for the ATU is at the antenna
feedpoint. I used to use a remotely mounted SGC ATU with my loop, but
I missed the convenience of automatic bandswitching without having to
transmit RF after each band change. A standalone, boxed ATU capable of
being fully controlled by the K3 would be a nice future option.
Fortunately for me, one of the few benefits of having to use indoor
antennas is that I have only 2m of feeder between the K2 and the
antenna feedpoint, so the losses even with an extreme mismatch are
Julian, G4ILO K2 s/n: 392  K3 s/n: ???
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