In a message dated 8/29/07 11:40:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Yes, but you are basing this on your "assumptions".  Your math may be 
> correct 
> but, you are setting up the conditions of the problem which may or may not 
> be 
> accurate.

I think my assumptions are pretty accurate. If anything, they err on the high 

Here they are in a nutshell:

Typical power requirement of a device on standby: 5 W
Typical number of such devices in a household: 20
Typical duty cycle of such devices: 760 hours per year of use, 8000 hours 

The rest is calculation. 

How much does a kilowatt hour of electricity cost? 13 cents here in EPA. 25 
cents in HB9. 

How much do *you* pay?

> The word collectively was used.  

Not by me.

So, let's say your assumptions are correct. 
> Multiply that by millions of households.  That seems to be quite a bit to 
> me. 

Of course. But consider it as a percentage of your total use. 

> I don't really enjoy just giving my money to the local utilities.  I'd 
> rather 
> spend $104 on ham radio toys. ;-)

Me too. 

73 de Jim, N2EY

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