John Huggins wrote:

- Internal antenna tuner

If you're going to use a "simple wire," KAT2 is your only good option, and it's a really good one too.

- Internal battery option

I've had a LI Poly RC Model battery burst into flame while powering my KX1 [fortunately outside both the house and radio], and I've had AA alkalines leak inside my KX1 [fortunately, only one, and it was cleanable]. I use an 12 Ah external sealed gel cell with my K2 that I float on a 13.6V regulated supply when I'm not using it. It's good for a weekend+ of fairly steady operation. I use a fairly light 3 Ah gel cell with my KX1, it's good for more than a weekend of casual ops. I don't put batteries inside my radios, although I know lots of folks do and never have problems. After watching the pyrotechnic display on my gravel driveway from the LiPoly, I've been considering keeping the LiIon battery from my laptop in a coffee can outside until I need it :-) YMMV


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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