Retire at, or near 50? Are you kidding? (Wayne and I are both at the big five-o..)

I tried it once, back in my 30's, and went crazy after a year of goofing off. After a year I started another company. (Verisys, Inc.) I'm not planning on retiring for a very long time, if ever. My father is still happily working at 75, not because he has to, but because he loves his work and it keeps his mind young. I plan to be doing the same.

Elecraft is not venture capital backed and is fully owned by the founders, Wayne and myself. There are no external pressures to cash out. :-)

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

David Woolley wrote:

The other issue is that Elecraft is a small company and we have discovered, this week, that one of their founders is turning 50 and another key technician learned algebra in the late 1950s, it seems to me that a lot of the key personnel are reaching the point where they think about retirement. As well as losing the product knowledge, founders of startup companies in that position often want to turn the value of the company into cash to fund their pensions. To me, the K3 could well be there in order to make the company sellable.
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