Yes, they are dirt cheap for a reason. Note the area around the bottom ends. That area is lighter than the other area of the section. This tells me that they have been used a lot or mishandled. Mishandling of these type masts is the main reason that they are not very good for use at heights over 25 ft. The joint areas are the weak link in these surplus 'fiberglass' masts. Note also that they are not truly all fiberglass, but have loose fiberglass pieces held together with a resin/plastic bonding agent. Under stress, they easily crack at the female end. That is why there is an extra ring around the female end.

There are several variations of these available. The ones with the fiberglass ring at the female end are the best, if they have not been mishandled. I would avoid those with plastic rings, since they tend to break much easier. I have seen new ones right out of the storage warehouses with plastic rings falling apart. But, even the fiberglass rings will also crack if mishandled.

If left outside for extended periods, the binding agent dissapates due to the Sun's UV. This then leaves little slivers of fiberglass exposed, which can get embedded in your skin if not wearing gloves. Bottomline - paint them if you want them to last outside. Also, to strengthen the joint area, use a stainless steel hose clamp around the ring, or where the ring use to be.

As someone else mentioned, they are getting harder to find, but even harder is finding those that are worth using.

Now for the disclosure: I use to sell these also, but for the above reasons, no more. I do continue to sell the aluminum versions, which are much stronger, tolerant of mishandling and over-stressing.

Henry - K4TMC

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Przepiora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Elecraft Reflector <>; QRP-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 2:03 pm
Subject: [Elecraft] OT: 40' mast on Ebay dirt cheap.

Just to let you all know, there is a guy selling 40' fiberglass
military mast with carrying case with a buy it now price of $25.00. He
also has a "Military Nylon Rope Tie Down Kit" that has two 50' ropes
(so what) and six velcro straps with rings you can use as guying

Link to store:

Shipping from PA to NY was going to be $12.00

I know this is not lightweight stuff, but some of us do not backpack
in and operate far from the vehicle :)

Steve - KC2QXE
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