One day I'd like to see a K3 wiki.

Contributer experts could weigh in on individual
topics such as:

* DSP/AGC - suggested settings based on band, mode,
signal strength. 
* Diversity receive - how to best use the subreceiver.
N1EU stuff. 
* Noise Blanking - settings based on the noise source.

* Transverter topics - how to hook up a Down East
Microwave device, etc. 
* Bandscope and SoftRock - how to keep noise off both
ends of the connection. New bandscope solutions.
* Interfacing hardware from other manufacturers - Band
Pass filters, Noise cancellers, digital. 
* RS232 Control and programs. 
* Contest configurations, software and hardware. 
* ESSB - and wide standard mode SSB, AM. 
* Binaural effects.
* Many other topics that could be addressed starting
from an introductory level up to advanced and specific

I'm not offering to host this but do see the value of
having a common, user maintained K3 resource outside
of the Elecraft list and outside of the K3 FAQ.
Having one place to reference first, before going
through megabytes of archives looking for that needle
in a haystack would be a real time saver and might
even take some K3 traffic off the reflector. 

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