Need a second opinion with some Align/Test II results.

Item 1: PLL Reference OSC Range. Fref-high = 12100.5 kHz, Fref-low =
12091.0 kHz. Fdiff - 9.5 kHz. The manual says the diff. _must_ be 9.5
- 15 kHz. I'm a little low.

I followed the T/S steps and checked associated components C84, C85,
D19, D17, L31 & X1--all are correct.

Item 2: BFO, BFOhigh-freq = 4917.16 kHz, BFOlow=freq = 4912.88 kHz,
Both a "smidge" higher than the manual spec. 4917 kHz and 4912 kHz

Frequency measurements were made with the internal frequency meter,
after calibrating it per the manual with a Radio Shack wide range
frequency meter. Experience building K2s told me to call it good
because they things were so close and press on. But I've been away
from building for 2 years or so, and thought I better get a second

FWIW PLL linearization worked just fine, as did Filter/BFO setup.

Item 3: Adjusting L34 for best S/N ratio I could not really notice
much change. L1 & L2 seamed to peak OK with a Noise Generator
connected to the antenna jack. But with a few feet of wire connected
to the ANT jack I could _NOT_ receive any signals on 40m. Is 40 that
dead? It might be my QTH, river valley surrounded by low mountains.
I'll have to get access to an XG1 or XG2 and do more trouble shooting.
Anyone have either they would like to loan out or sell?

Back in the day when I had a decent "bench" and more test equipment
things were a lot easier. Now, after downsizing QTH and test
equipment, doing this stuff on the kitchen table presents some
"challenges". :-)

Rod Ai7NN, --the ham formally known as N0RC--
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