Hi Leigh,

Thanks for the suggestion, which I've added to the wish-list.


On Nov 30, 2004, at 1:47 PM, Leigh L Klotz, Jr. wrote:

The KX1 offers 4 sidetone levels, 3 if you discount "off", generated from two pins of the PIC16 microcontroller, which are toggled high and low through two resistors to the audio amplifier, forming a primitive resistor/amplifier DAC.

Additionally, the KX1 (unlike the K2) mutes the RX during STL and STP menu operations, making CW beating harder.

A recent article in Electronics World magazine (11/2004, p.47) discloses a technique to obtain ternary values from the MPU's I/O pins. The technique uses the three 0/1/HiZ states to provide 3 output voltage levels per pin, instead of just two....



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