Steve Jackson wrote:
Does anyone out there have experience using this particular ladder line:

Yes, I am using it. It is really, really basic (when I saw it, I struck my forehead and said "Doh! Why didn't I think of that!").

It is no. 16 insulated stranded wire, spaced 4-1/2" (I think this is about 600 ohms) held apart by spacers made from black polyethylene pipe. I think that he simply made a jig with a hot wire to cut slots in the ends of the pipe, and the wire is a press-fit. It is not beautiful, but the wire and pipe should be OK in the sun, it's easy to slide the wires around if you want to move a spreader (but they seem to be solidly gripped). I don't know how it will do in the long run, but it seems adequate.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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