Greetings all:

Trying to put K3 SN 42 on SSB to make a few SS contacts, using an Elecraft 
MH-2 Mic.  I set up MIC SEL for FP:h and turned on the bias.  I can adjust 
the Mic gain and compression, and hear the results with MON turned on, and 
see the CMP and ALC graphs function.  It seems to require a very high 
compression setting to get even two bars to light up with a loud voice, but 
the ALC goes to 6 bars immediately with any speech and stays there until a 
half-second or so after speech ceases.  Big problem is: there is no RF 
output from the radio at all.

Everything works fine on CW; whatever is wrong is associated with SSB. 
Haven't tried data mode transmitting as yet.

Is there a special secret to getting SSB to work ? ?   Yes, VOX/PTT is set 
to PTT and the transmit indicator lights up.

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