
A)  It's too easy to bump the VFO A dial while in the Menu Modes and  change
an off to an on. It took Microsoft 20 years to build a half way  functional
'UNDO' into their O/S and Apps. I'd at least like to have a glimps at  what
changed when I went back to normal op after accessing the menus - maybe a quick
list of config items with a * indicating recent changes. Even if  it's a
download to printer it would be good to get a list that shows recent or  last
settings on one page - something that could be scanned when things don't look
right.  I know this may be a reach, but you gotta ask.

When in ANY MENU selection, if you press [DISP] you'll get a terse HELP
discussion of the current functions and it's default setting. Won't take you
back to where you were, BUT it WILL at least allow you to easily find the
starting point again.

B) It'd be nice to have the speaker selects on the 'tap once'  menu list
instead of buried down in the CONFIG list. Can a toggle between headphone only and headphone +spkr be created? I haven't started into the macro creation phase
yet, and I have discovered some buttons which can do a hot change  without
going into menu, so maybe it's just something I missed earlier. For that  I
would apologize.

You could place that function on one of the (2, if I recall) available PFx
(programmable functions) keys.


Tom   N0SS

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