This Tuesday evening, the North American QRP CW Club will be holding its monthly sprint.

Here are the particulars:

Date and time:
Wednesday December 13th,  0130-0330 UTC
(Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) That's 8:30 - 10:30 EST, 7:30 - 9:30 CST, 6:30 - 8:30 MST and 5:30 - 7:30 PST.

Bands - Frequencies:
80M - 3555-3565 kHz (Be courteous to FISTS operating on 3558 kHz)
40M - 7039-7050 kHz (Avoid W1AW on 7047.5 kHz).
20M - 14059-14065 kHz. General:
A particular station may be worked once on each band. Operate CW only.
All licensed amateurs are invited to participate, but only those operating QRP (5 watts or less) are eligible for awards.

Call: CQ NA

RST - SPC (State Province or Country) - NAQCC Nr.
(non-Members substitute power level for NAQCC Nr., e.g. 5W, 1W, etc. Be sure to add the W.)

QSO Points:
QSO with a Member, 2 points.
QSO with a Non-member, 1 point.

Each USA state
Each VE province
Each country except W/VE
All multipliers count only once in the contest.

If you use only a straight key for the entire sprint, multiply your score by 2.
If you use only a bug for the entire sprint, multiply your score by 1.5.
If you key with anything other than a straight key or bug, there is no bonus multiplier.

SWA - simple wire antennas - for those using a simple wire antenna per NAQCC definition.
GAIN - gain antennas - for those using other than a simple wire antenna.

Special Award:
Our special award this month is a simple one. One certificate goes to the longest licensed ham and one to the most recently licensed. The year of your FIRST ham license is the determining factor. You need not have kept the license active continuously. You must also make at least 5 QSO's in the sprint to be considered for the SA.

Autologger SA info:
Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes
Special Award info.......' box - Put the year of your first ham license

Continuing this month we are giving away a set of CD's to one participant according to the following rules:

1. The participant meeting the requirements below and posting the highest score will be the winner of a set of CD's in the following months: July, August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May. A. Requirements: The participant must be a NAQCC member and can not have won a CD set previously. B. If the highest scorer does not meet the requirements, then the CD set winner will be the next highest scorer who does meet the requirements.

2. Twice a year - in the December and June sprints, the winner will be a participant drawn at random who meets the requirements in 1A and who makes at least 5 QSO's in the sprint.

3. Club Officers (WY3H (ex-KB3LFC), K3WWP, W2LJ, K5DUZ, KD2MX) are not eligible.

REMEMBER: You HAVE to be a NAQCC member to be eligible to win the CDs; and there's still plenty of time to join before Wednesday night's sprint. To join the NAQCC, please visit:

Entry Deadline:
All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on December 18th, 2007. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries.

Be sure to use the new NAQCC Sprint Autologger feature! Please visit after the Sprint to send in your entry!

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