
Fair enough. I'm trying to use your program to ease some on the kinderkrankheiten of the K3 software. I've been trying to find a way to use the Dual PB filter for RTTY. I have tried three approaches:

1. Mode: Data, Data Mode: A
You can transmit anywhere in the waterfall. Invoking Dual PB results in no receive signal - waterfall goes blank.

2. Mode rev Data, Data Mode: AFSK
There is a strange Line In INPUT filter centered at 1000Hz. If you set the PITCH to 915 in the K3 and your digital software, you can get a signal out UNTIL you invoke Dual PB, then no RF out (although you have receive!).

BTW - Both modes are fragile. If you leave CWT on from a previous CW mode they also doesn't produce RF. I have seen very inconsistent results which I think are due to unexpected interactions like this.

3. Data Mode: FSK
Dual PB works on receive and on send with KY command. Appears to be robust.

Since I use a laptop with my rig I have no parallel or RS232 port lines to trigger FSK, hence my request for a RTTY keyboard capability as the only way I see to use Dual PB.


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