I'd been unhappy with the stiffness of my K2's rotary encoder for a while, so 
when a replacement unit was provided by Scott, I thought it was time for a 
makeover of my fully loaded K2/100.

The new rotary encoder was definitely an improvement. The original encoder was 
stiff to turn, even in the absence of the felt washer friction pad, but the new 
encoder was so free-running, I had to dig out and install that piece of felt. 
Thanks a million, Scott, the feel of the rig has been improved immensely.

I also took the opportunity to replace the AF gain pot, which had a wobbly 
knobbly. It had no effect on performance, but every time I moved the AF gain 
control, I was distracted by the knob's wobble.

While the lid was off, I decided to do a complete realignment. Again, I found a 
good setting of L34 difficult to achieve. For me, Spectrogram, with its 
ever-changing display, proved unhelpful but very careful listening to a weak 
signal from my genny on 14MHz found a gentle but significant dip in the 
background noise. AGC voltage setup range ran up to 3.83v and at ALL settings, 
the AGC reduced the level of a very weak (S1 or less) signal. Eventually I 
settled on 3.68v as the one that had least effect on a signal just above the 
noise floor, but there should have been a point where the AGC action cut off..

It was interesting to note that after several months of use, slight 
improvements could be made to most settings, either because a "bedding in" had 
taken place or my values had changed. 

I was very impressed with the residual carrier suppression on SSB. I used a GC 
Rx with antenna to monitor the carrier level on SSB when transmitted into 
another antenna. The antennas were only a few feet apart, but a small 
adjustment left only a very weak residual carrier on SSB. It was lower than the 
1uV level from the Elecraft XG2!

I found that the screws on one of the KPA100 PA transistors could be tightened 
by maybe a little less than 1/8 of a turn. The other was yomped down good and 
tight. A slight improvement of SWR eedback was achieved and the PA bias setting 
proved far more docile to adjust than my recollection of it when newly 
constructed. There was far less "drift" as the transistors warmed up.

I then went off the rails. It was my intention to check higher power output 
against a "reasonable" wattmeter. When I held "Tune", regardless of the higher 
power setting, I only saw 22W until I moved the power output control. Somewhat 
bewildered, I took a break to allow my limited mental resource to do a spot of 
background processing. Sure enough, the back of my mind came up trumps. Tune 
limits the output to approx, 2W in QRP and 20W in QRO. Press Tune and Display 
to override. Yep! Another case of RTFM!  Doh!

I did find one parameter of 8-somethingorother was set to "nor" and not to 
"hold" as the KPA100 manual instructs, but switching between its original 
setting and the instructed setting didn't seem to make any difference. 
Eventually, I went with the manual's recommended setting.

Overall, I reckon to have squeezed a little more out of the K2.  I haven't been 
able to get an audio report on the slightly changed SSB filter settings but 
prior to adjustment, I had good reports on SSB audio, despite my rather deep 
voice. I've moved the notional baseline of all the filters available in SSB up 
by 50Hz approx. Time and a co-operative local who knows my voice will tell.

Was it worth it. Most definitely YES. Some settings had either drifted slightly 
or my interpretation had changed. I managed to reduce tuning display inaccuracy 
from approx 30Hz to less than 10Hz and make improvements to a few more 
settings. Were they significant? NO, I doubt it, but it DID provide a refresher 
course and it leaves me satisfied for the time being. It's good to touch base 

As with all home constructed equipment, there's always a nagging feeling that 
"something" can be improved upon. Is this the eternal treadmill to which we are 
all consigned? It's an undoubted YES for me.

As recommended on my bulletin board, think twice, post once.

73 all, DaveL G3TJP
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