
I will be using the K3 for pretty much only CW and SWL. Perhaps a
little PSK. 

I like some small CW contests, but am not a contester by any means. 

I'll be sticking with the 10 watt version; my K2 has shown that that
is sufficient power for me. Will also only have a very basic filter

I did order the ATU; the K2 spoiled me with that. My antennas are
endfed wire and attic dipoles.

Too much rig for my limited needs? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure I'll get
my money's worth in enjoyment.


On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 09:59:00 -0700, you wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>With a K3 in my future (I ordered a loaded one about a month ago), are there 
>are any non-contesters like me out there who are K3 owners, or prospective 
>owners, who just like hamming in general and have no special need for the K3's 
>contesting prowess?  (Contesting seems to be a popular topic amongst K3 owners 
>on the reflector.)  
>The rig's extensive menus, its Cadillac-like fit and finish, and firmware 
>updating capabilities are certainly appealing to me as are many of its other 
>capabilities.  But I'll also confess that Elecraft's legendary customer 
>service and its reputation for excellence are also big selling points for me.  
>(Maybe I've answered my own question!)
>I operate lots of CW with a small fleet of two K2s and a KX1 that are all 
>excellent performers.  Occasional SSB and PSK QSOs are also very enjoyable.
>I'm just curious about whether the K3's capabilities and performance are as 
>appealing to others like me (non-contesters) as they obviously are to 
>contesters.  I'm a great fan of CW and have been trying hard to get my code 
>speed up to a consistent 20-25wpm for a long time. 
>I realize that my question emerges from the slippery realm of personal 
>preference, but I'd enjoy your comments. 
>Thanks and 73 to all...
>Steve Banks

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