We are most certainly investigating our K3s (I've had mine for a month now
and am still learning) - I spent a week of trying to resolve an issue,
including taking out the I/O modules and performing some measurements to try
to resolve this (at Elecraft's request), all of which proved not to be the
problem (ok, that's what investigation is about).

So I used my own initiative and followed my first thoughts - considered it
was a firmware bug (which I had stated the week previously), reverted the
firmware and the problem went away.

I then posted that to the list (after Elecraft had confirmed it) to assist
those who may have had similar problems and were wondering about it.
All of which Elecraft have stated was of help.

The end result though was a known issue.
My point is, a lot of us would not be asking on the list and Elecraft would
not be spending so much time responding to questions, if the known issues
were available.

Lovely company, great people, great support and responsiveness - a little
lacking on the communication side. Perhaps I'm expecting too much, in my
line of business, my suppliers publish known issues, expected resolutions
and statuses on web sites - but yes they are multi-million companies.
And I have to admit, that not something the big 3 do either.

Yes I accept that I'm at the sharp end, yes I'm happy to find and report
issues. Having the known issues published saves everybody time documenting
and chasing them and lets us get on with using the rig and hopefully
resolving other issues for those that will follow.

Sorry for long posting.

73 de M0XDF / K3 #174

On 6/2/08 20:56, "Dave Agsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> It seems like most of those calling for a list of
> issues and enhancements are ones who have already
> received their K3. First, they whined about the
> delayed shipping, and now, once they have their K3,
> have found something else to whine about. Maybe they
> should consider investing the time spent shooting out
> e-mail after e-mail in learning about their K3. If you
> think something's an issue, inquire about it ONCE and
> get back to the learning process. Folks on this list
> will respond with a status in most cases. That should
> be enough for now. Let Wayne and Eric and their staff
> focus on the business of catching up on their shipping
> and the other things they consider important. As Ken
> said.... "It's their business". Let them attend to it.
> I'm sure, that in time, all of these issues will be
> addressed and, in most cases, answered.
> Perhaps the price one pays for wanting to be first in
> line for a K3 is to also have to use their own
> initiative for awhile to figure things out. At times
> it appears that this reflector has become a crutch for
> even the simple questions or ones that have been asked
> and answered numerous times.
> Let's let Wayne, Eric and the Elecraft staff focus on
> the business of getting caught up on their K3 orders
> and the issues THEY want to focus on. I'm sure there
> are many folks on here who would love to just get
> their hands on their K3.
> 73,
> Dave N8AG

Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the
young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way
that it cares for its helpless members.
-Pearl S. Buck, Nobelist novelist (1892-1973)

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