
Wiring up my K2 for data modes - recall seeing a post from someone who had done an easy mod to get audio out (i.e. "line out") which is not affected by the AF gain control. Have looked through the archives in vain - can anyone help please?
73 Nick G3RWF

That was Don Wilhelm, W3FPR.  Don WAS selling a fixed-output audio device which
he'd designed and for which I'd laid out the PCB design. See:

Just got a note from Don yesterday that he's sold the LAST(!) of his PC boards
and is NOT planning on ordering more for resale.

During the time that Don was selling this device, he went from suggesting that
it be installed on the left side panel of the K2 (see bottom image on the link
above), to installing it between the FP and CTRL PC boards. See:

Moving from the original installation point to the second site requires that
all components be laid down flat against the PC board (e.g. low-profile), which
the original PC board design did NOT accommodate terribly well.

As I type this reply, I am _IN_ the process of redesigning the PC board layout
to more readily accommodate standard components laid flat against the board.

I have not yet decided whether to actually offer this PC board for sale 'in
quantity' or to just make a few (in the kitchen) and then offer them on a
per order basis.  If demand was higher (I think Don pretty much answered most
 of the screaming demand for this device), I'd have a 'batch' run off at FAR
Circuits, but this may not be the case.

Regardless, it appears that new boards will be available very soon... probably
within a week or two.  If you'd like to obtain a board, please contact me. I
will be happy to send you a PDF of the new board layout if you are interested.
First, visit Don't links (above) to see what is required for the installation.


Tom Hammond    N0SS

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