In the late 1960's some IBM system programmers decided to use the solidus
(slash) through the letter "O" to differentiate it from the simple circle
that was used for zero at Sylvania's Electronic Defense Laboratories where I
worked as a writer. 

It turned up in thousands of pages of output. I don't know if it was an IBM
corporate decision or one made by the hordes of programmers in white coats
who ministered to the huge room full of spinning tape drives and blinking
lights at the Sylvania facility. (Yes, if you've ever seen an old James Bond
movie about a computer center with all the tape drives, blinking lights and
other "gee-gaws", the real thing looked like that in the 60's. We mere
"mortals" had a second-story walkway, safely outside the walls, where we
could peer through windows and down at the white-coated servants as they
scurried about between rows of tape drives and other mysterious racks of
equipment serving the needs of the big machine.) 

The slashes through every letter "O" made reading anything in "plain
English" produced by the system very difficult. 

That practice died a fairly quick and certain death. Perhaps it was because
all of us writers, engineers and others who had to actually read the output
of the system converged outside of the computer facility with pitchforks,
burning torches and the like. 

As Mark pointed out, Digital and some others followed the communications
industry standard and put the solidus through their zeros, just as
telegraphers had done for a century by the mid 50's and teletypes and telex
machines had done for decades by then. With appropriate prodding, the
programmers on the Sylvania IBM system followed suit. 


-----Original Message-----

We used a slashed zero on DEC (Digital Equipment Corp.) computers. My
experience with them was from 1966 to about 1975. At the time others were
using a rounded O(letter oh) and a squared 0(zero). I found the slashed zero
much easier to use.

Mark  AD5SS

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