In a message dated 2/19/2008 3:17:50 P.M.  Pacific Standard Time, 
>From my posting from  last week:
- Ordered (with 50% deposit) 6 June 2007 with subsequent  modifications.
- Received and responded to "Lisagram" late Tuesday, 12 Feb  2008.
- Called by Madeline for final payment info on Thursday, 14 Feb.
-  Received UPS shipping notice late that same day. Scheduled delivery is 
19  Feb.

- Received K3/100 kit today (Tuesday, 19 Feb) as  promised.

Now I have a big decision to make. Should I drive up to Boulder  from 
Denver to see Rob Sherwood's talk or stay home and assemble my new  toy?

Other alternatives that I've considered that would give Rob another  K3 
sample to test:
- Assemble it when I get back home around midnight. No  - I really need 
my beauty sleep and generally function badly when I'm  tired.
- Let Rob assemble and align it himself. No - someone will say he's  too 
expert and that would bias the results.
- Assemble it later when my  workload permits. But I might be 
"disqualified" for being an electronics  engineer and firmware developer 
who might tweak the performance in  Elecraft's favor.
- Have my daughter, an art historian, assemble and align  it. Oops, can't 
do that - she's living in France.

Oh my, what to  do?

Gus  Hansen


Align a K3 ????

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      
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