Chris and All,

I don't know if it's too late or not, as they may be packing things up at VP6DX as we speak. But give that antenna a try on 160. The K3's ATU seems to be very wide ranged. I worked VP6DX on all modes from 10 through 160--that's 20 out of 22 possible (didn't hear a peep on 6 meters), which is as much as anyone had I think. All of that was done with an R8 Vertical, which isn't supposed to work below 40 meters. And no computer was used either--just the CW input to the K3 converted to RTTY on the 3 bands on which they operated that mode. Anyway, the point is that the K3 does a lot more than one might think. It won't make a bad antenna good, but it certainly will deal with some strange arrangements! This is another plus for the K3 over the Orion II. The ATU in my Orion II absolutely won't handle anything on 80, let alone 160, with my R8. I was getting a 1 to 1 match on 80, and a 2.5 to 1 on 160. It would be nice to have an antenna for those bands, but I just can't do it here. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm going to be able to work those bands regularly, but it is kind of fascinating to find that the K3 will do so much more than just about any other radio out there. Having said that, I don't think I will press my luck and stress out the K3 on 160 with something like RTTY! But in a pinch I might be able to at least say "Hi" to someone.

Dave W7AQK

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Kantarjiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:56 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Ducie ...

All this talk of easy RTTY QSOs got me going: I rigged my K2 with a couple of patch cords to the sound card and figured out MMTTY: I just made my first ever RTTY QSO to VP6DX with 5W on 30M ...

I've got them QRP/CW on 80-10 and RTTY on 30. I'll keep trying for 160 but my best antenna for that is a 40m dipole, so I rarely hear them much less
try to transmit :-)

73 de chris K6DBG
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