Fantastic - I've been wondering what was cuasing that - it's a problem if your logger changes band, too it seems.

Lyle, could you comment please?
73 de M0XDF / K3 #174

On 23 Mar 2008, at 21:46, Björn Mohr wrote:

On 080323 15:32 , "Ed K1EP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has anyone seen this?

Say I am on 12M USB.  Filter width is set to 2.7.  I switch to CW,
set filter to 400.  Everything is fine.  I switch bands to 17M CW by
tapping the band down twice fast.  Filter is set to 2.7, so I change
it to 400.  I switch back to 12M, both USB and CW filter settings are
correct, I can toggle between the two modes.  I then go from 12M USB
back to 17M CW by tapping band down twice.  The filter on CW is back
again to 2.7.  Why wouldn't it remember the last setting I had for
CW? Try this;

Go 17 CW, adjust filter for narrow setting.

Go 15 CW, adjust filter for narrow setting.

Go 12 SSB, adjust filter for wide 2.7.

SLOWLY step down one band at a time to 17. The K3 retains all settings. Then try the same step down to 17 by double clicking band down fast and observe the results... Both 17 and 15 meters will still be CW, but the width has
changes to whatever wide setting you had at 12.

Now, with the filter untouched step one band up from 17 to 15, then narrow the filter and step down again. Voila! 17 follows whatever setting you made
on 15!

Not a big problem, but this behaviour is a little irritating. The solution
seems to be slowly cycling between bands.

The behaviour is similar when changing band using software control via the serial port. I am sure this is the reason TRX-Manager (and probably other
software packages too) gets the K3 filter settings confused.

73 de Björn /SM0MDG
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