On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 20:34:09 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi Guys
>Just was curious after reading about the 6 meter opening posts and how much
>fun it can be and was wondering about 2 meters. Is there enough activity and
>how wide use does it receive?

There is much less activity on 2m than on HF.  That's for sure, but if you've
been a ham for 40 years (32 here) you will be able to remember when part of the
excitement of operating was that it was sometimes hard to find a QSO.  I've been
working weak signal 2m for about a year now and it is a blast.

>I have decided on one more bigger option and really enjoy qrp work but am in
>between going either 100 watts or adding the 2 meter transverter.

You can pretty well count on needing to get at least a 12 - 15 db gain Yagi for
2m SSB along with the transverter.  I am using the XV144 here and am very happy
with it.  You can use the XV144 at 20 watts output, but that's only good for
about 25 - 50 miles, except when conditions are enhanced and when that happens I
have worked stations 750km from here (Arlington, TX) and I don't have a big gun
station.  My station is only 125 watts with the amplifier, but with the beam the
ERP is about 2,900 watts.

>Its been odd but after 40+ years I have never listened to 2 meters for cw or
>ssb and just don't want to invest in it if it is mostly repeater activity.

If you work CW or SSB you will be well below the repeater band.  Most CW and SSB
work is done from 144.100 to 144.250, and CW is rare on 2m, although when there
are enhanced conditions there will be more CW than normal, because just as it is
on HF, CW is still the most efficient communication mode without using digital

>Is it difficult with 10/5 watts or is it just like other things, depends on
>conditions and openings?

10/5 watts will not be much good for anything but rag chewing with the locals,
although there are many who do just that.

The bottom line is that you will have to understand that making long distance
contacts on 2m and up takes a lot of patience, listening to white noise,
watching the weather patterns, aurora data and meteor data.

I love it and will probably dedicate my second K3 which will be a ten watt
version to 2m and above.



Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

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to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."

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