Someone replied to a query to Elecraft posted to the list:

First of all, nothing has been implemented yet.

Second, let's not complicate things here.

The only thing being suggested is that the K3 be capable of CW while one
is operating SSB.  This feature is currently found on several Yaesu and
Icom rigs (don't know about Kenwood).  The paddle/key would be in
parallel with the microphone (so to speak).  Hitting the paddle would
automatically put the rig into CW mode and when key-up occurs, the rig
automatically reverts back to SSB mode.  No switch fiddling, button
pushing, or other operator input would be required.  No change in
frequency would occur EXCEPT that during key-down the standard CW offset
would happen.  By necessity, the feature would be enabled and disabled
through a menu option.

If CW is not your thing, don't worry about it -- you won't need it anyway.

Thankfully, although above we are told nothing has
been implemented, what was just released is user
selectable.  To hear from somebody so 'in the know'
is greatly appreciated.

The root problem being addressed is some not
knowing where CW ends up in relation to where the
radio was tuned for SSB.  If CW/CW-R placed CW in
the correct place in relation to LSB/USB & then the
radio, when mode switched, selected the appropriate
CW mode for the sideband previously selected, the
root problem would be addressed without the apparently
not complicated process of the radio on its own
changing modes & moving CW when the key line is
asserted in SSB.

To have requested this change, CW is not in the right
place to simply switch from either LSB/USB to begin
with, otherwise there would have been no need for the
suggestion of how to achieve same (see subject-field
of this thread) nor the request to implement functionality
that goes beyond addressing the root problem.

However, since that root problem merited a change,
then perhaps the far greater problem of folks not being
able to get to grips with where LSB/USB end up in relation
to band edges will be addressed shortly.


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