No, it's not just you. Count me in as well. I am in the same boat as you. I
don't care that much about AM and FM although I do ultimately want it, but I
do want SSB to work at full power. I am also worried that the extension down
to 200Hz is just waisting power that contributes very little to getting
heard. If anything  I would want the total transmit bandwidth to be reduced
to 2400Hz (300-2700Hz) which is pretty well the standard filter bandwidth
for a fixed no-DSP transceiver with just one filter. But as I said earlier
today, to please everybody these things need to be configurable. And this
got to be the top priority at Elecraft.

Knut - AB2TC

Lee Buller wrote:
> Really folks....I am getting more and more behind the curve here with the
> K3 and all the updates.
> What is working?
> What is not working?
> Or...maybe I should ask....
> What is working for some people and not for others?
> I am rather confused as to where we are with the K3 firmware.  I know a
> lot of people want AM and FM and all the bells and whistles up to light
> frequencies, but what about just good old SSB, and CW (maybe PSK31 and
> (snip)

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