In the landline and cellular business, it's called "sidetone delay" and anything over 5 ms is cause for concern. See, e.g.,

Some sources suggest as much as 25 ms is acceptable, but my experience is that 10 ms is the outer bound before user complaints occur. The GSM phones I'm most familiar with have sidetone delay well below 5 ms.

These numbers are based on telephony user studies, and perhaps a different delay may be considered acceptable in amateur radio circles.


Lyle Johnson wrote:
I have the impression that with the NR engaged the overall volume is much lower than without. Is there a possibility to adjust the audio volume / gain in the NR settings somewhere?
I have seen this in the K2 DSP for rtty mode.

This is not currently in the firmware, but is in the suggestion box.

Next question: 2 of my friends who tried the K3 this afternoon think that there is a significant delay in the monitor output. I don't use monitor in normal operation, I only use it to adjust my mic settings, but they make use of it a lot, and felt somehow irritated by the delay.

The delay is 20 to 30 ms. It is because we are sampling the actual IF signal so we have several filter delays. We're looking at a possibly different approach that could improve this by 50% or so, but if we're successful it will be some time before it is ready.


Lyle KK7P

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