Brett - I used to have the same problem with the street lights in my neighborhood. After about three years of service, high pressure sodium lamps start to cycle on and off. Every time they start up, they generate noise. I walk at night and in the winter I could see the lamps cycle. I would make a note of the address, and then email the information to the power company. It is important to be specific with information as the line service crew that gets the trouble slip will come out in the daylight and won't be able to see the problem. Our streetlights are serviced by the power company through a contract with the City. In your area, you may have to contact the City. Street lights should be maintained on a 3 year cycle but maintenance gets deferred due to budget considerations. Don't expect prompt response. This is low priority work.

Rick  Dettinger   K7MW

On Jun 23, 2008, at 9:11 AM, Brett Howard wrote:

I've got a HUGE problem in my area too. It only comes on at night (not
all nights though) and its periodic.  Like a lil over a minute on and
then 40 something seconds off and it goes on and off like that all
night. It generally comes on shortly after the street lamps do. A talk
with the power company results in a guy calling back saying he was in
the area and couldn't hear anything.  Well no doubt you weren't there
when the noise is.  And he says that if its the street lamps they have
no jurisdiction I have to speak with the city. Unfortunately I have no
real way to tell what light it is.

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