Someone made mention of obtaining an Opti-visor (SP?) at a craft store. Another quality brand is made by Magni-Focuser. This one has a handy feature in the form of a knob at the back of the headband that allows for easy size adjustment. The
Opti-visor's band tends to slip and work loose.

Craft stores sell a nice light made by OTT-LITE.  They come in
a wide variety of sizes and forms, and several models have built-in
magnifiers.  They tend to be "pricey" at craft stores, but can be
found from other sources.  OTT-LITE would like you to believe
their bulbs are "special", and they may well be, but Home Depot
sells replacement lamps for -much- lower prices.

There are four OTT-LITES here in my shack and Rose has two
in her sewing room that she uses in the making of her cases and
covers.  One is a floor stand version that's right above sewing head
one of her machines.

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

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